The Do - Shake Shook Shaken 2014
The Do - Shake Shook Shaken 2014
  • Seed
  • :
  • 7
  • Leech
  • :
  • 64
  • Poids du torrent
  • :
  • 98.39 MB
  • Date d'ajout
  • :
  • 23-02-2019

01. Keep Your Lips Sealed (3:24) 02. Trustful Hands (4:07) 03. Miracles (Back in Time) (4:30) 04. Sparks (3:47) 05. Going Through Walls (2:52) 06. Despair, Hangover & Ecstasy (2:53) 07. Anita No! (3:02) 08. A Mess Like This (4:23) 09. Lick My Wounds (3:19) 10. Opposite Ways (4:12) 11. Nature Will Remain (3:39) 12. Omen (2:55)

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